Due to their cheating, the bomb explodes despite Shibazaki solving the riddle – and here’s the twist, it’s not the kind of bomb that anyone expected, in fact its a digital bomb, and when it goes off it releases all the confidential police reports to the public that Toji and Arata had managed to hack into before.

This time, even though Shibazaki was able to solve the ‘riddle’ leading him through a secret website link to a moe girl asking him to stop the bomb, the rest of the police team chastise him for ‘playing’ with Sphinx and do what Sphinx explicitly told them not to in their latest video – cheat, by finally managing to determine their hideout (or at least, what they thought was their hideout) and breaking in. I was dreading the show getting a bit repetitive with its ‘solve the riddle, shibazaki!’ gimmick, so I can safely say that the pay-off in this episode was entirely unexpected and rather expertly done. The prospect of this show quickly getting stale was one of the things that worried me about it, and to be honest I was feeling a bit of that worry when Sphinx announced yet another bomb. The more I see these videos the more I wonder why they don’t even try to disguise their voices. A game of chess? Not exactly subtle, Watanabe. After successfuly hacking the police network the two launch their next riddle and bomb…and this one has a twist. Toji starts to wonder if it would be better to take her in if they aren’t going to deal with her in some other manner – after all, she is the only person who knows their identity – but Arata is adamant about not getting anyone else involved. Meanwhile Lisa is still on the run, hanging out in fast food joints and in alleys and anywhere else that isn’t her home.

Being the one that was able to connect Sphinx to the missing plutonium, Shibazaki decides to visit the plant in Aomori to get more information. The deeper Shibazaki digs, the more he discovers how well Sphinx have covered their tracks – everything from using fake credit cards to buy their bombs to picking said bombs up from convenience stores and not having them delivered to their homes…in other words, besides the connection with the missing plutonium and the witness sketch of the mystery worker there, the police have zero leads.